22 March 2015


"There once lived a girl called Victoria who, at 24, left university and dreamt of becoming a big shot fashion magazine editor. She lived and breathed fashion, glossy magazines and anything Carrie Bradshaw related. She would purposely take her laptop to cafes and smoke Marlborough cigarettes so she could imagine she was Carrie. And in 2008 she decided to launch something called "a blog" which she aptly named I Heart Fashion. Because she did just that.

For six years she wrote tirelessly, building this tiny space into a not so tiny space of its own. With over half a million views later, being named one of the top ten best lifestyle blogs in the UK by Cosmopolitan magazine and counting Harvey Nichols, Tommy Hilfiger and Michael Kors amongst some of the brands she was lucky enough to work with, Victoria realised something just didn't feel right anymore.

She was at a different stage in her life now and after six years blogging about fashion, fashion wasn't actually where her heart lay anymore. She had worked so hard for so long to get a job within the elusive fashion industry, and at 27 she was named editor of an amazing menswear magazine. She adored her job, but outside of work, something else was taking over her thoughts. The three D's. Decor, design and DIY's.

She pinned interiors, she tweeted about interiors, she Facebooked about interiors...and, dayyym, she certainly spent plenty of her hard earned pennies on interiors. So after months of toing and froing about the future of I Heart Fashion, Victoria made one of the biggest decisions she had ever had to make. She decided I Heart Fashion was to be no more.
But this girl had blogging in her blood - how could she wake up every day without having some kind of platform to write about her love of interiors, design and everything else in life? And so, Apartment Number 4 was born.

Despite five long weeks of frustration, tears and tantrums trying to work out how to make the transition between I Heart Fashion and Apartment Number 4 a seamless experience for the most important people involved - her readers - in the middle of a cold winter's day in March, Victoria finally cracked the code. Everything she had ever done on the Internet, everything that had ever mentioned I Heart Fashion, would now point to her brand new baby.

With a new name, came a new look. A new grown-up look. She had to change everything from her Twitter handle, to her email address. She even had to write to Facebook and explain why she wanted to change her name. With so much hard work invested, the last thing this blogger wanted was to lose everything she had worked so hard for and she vowed to write a blog post as soon as she could about the trails and tribulations of rebranding a blog.

Sure, she was going to miss I Heart Fashion - it had been a part of her life for so long and it what she was known for in her circle of friends. But that chapter had come to an end, and the fancy door leading to Apartment Number 4 meant a new chapter could begin - one filled with amazing images, how-to's, inspiration around every corner, house tours, advice and styling ideas a plenty. There'd still be the odd fashion feature because how could a girl just stop liking pretty clothes, but without the constraints of the name I Heart Fashion, Victoria could write about anything her heart desired.

And so this tale draws to an end, this blogger heads on her way, apprehensive about what her readers will think. But one thing's for sure, in true fairy tale form, this blogger is set to live happily ever after.

The end."


  1. Ah I love it! I'm so glad to see you make the transition. Like you, I use to blog about a completely different subject - which my heart wasn't in. I'm so happy I took the leap. Looking forward to cont. reading your great posts! xo

    1. Ah so you can totally relate to this situation then lovely! :) When you finally decide to make the change it feels like such a relief! xxx

  2. OMG Hun an amazing post!! Got a little emosh reading it! Well done you, love the new name & the look your right it looks so grown up & classy!
    Hard work paid off!
    Good Luck Apartment Number 4!

    Love Abigail xxx

    1. Ah bless you thank you my love!! The hard work definitely paid off :) looking forward to seeing you soon perhaps!! xxx

  3. I've been debating for the last couple of months whether to rebrand my blog - it's all about beauty but I'm bursting with ideas that aren't beauty related! I think reading this post has given me just the push I needed :) Thank you, Victoria!

    Tara | Headline Beauty xox

    1. You should definitely do it Tara-Jane! I'm not going to lie, it's hard work but once you get through to difficult stages like directing traffic etc, then it's totally worth it. I'm going to write a blog post this weekend about everything you need to do so keep an eye out for it! xx

  4. Ooh, good luck with your new blogging venture :D I have recently rebranded my own blog so I can totally understand your frustrations. I've been so much happier since taking the leap though and I'm sure you will too.

    Louise x

    With love from Lou

    1. Well that's exactly what I needed to hear Louise! Someone who's done it too and is now happier!! I definitely have a good feeling about making the switch and I'm already raring to blog again! :) xxx

  5. It looks lovely Victoria - good luck xx

    1. Thanks so much Angela! See you Friday! xx

  6. The redesign looks absolutely wonderful! I'm going through a similar thing on a my blog myself. Yours looks wonderful!

    1. Bless you Erika, thank you so much. Although it's hard I'd definitely recommend it if you feel restricted under the name you chose! xx


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