5 March 2015



With a fierce addiction to Pinterest, it’s very easy for me to sit for hours and dream of how I can make my home more “Pinterest-worthy”. What is it with these home I scroll through which inspires me to Pin them? Well, I have so many “heart it” when it comes to interior styles (my most recent being mid-century furniture), but the one common denominator is the use of colour, making a room totally stand out to in a sea of interiors.

Today I wanted to share with you some of my tips of how to make your room a little more Pinterest-worthy, and what easy finishes will make it somewhere worth spending your time.

If colour and pattern are your thing like me, then keep the core of the room simple with crisp white bedding and either a neutral carpet, or wooden striped back floorboards - I always find dark wood works well with a bold colour palette.

Some people, mostly men, can’t understand how great cleverly placed cushions can look. They really make a room for me. I am, however, always against looking too matchy-matchy, so would rather buy a series of contrasting patterns within the same colour scheme. How gorgeous is the Bonjour Mon Coussin cushion range, pictured above, from interior and lifestyle haven ROOI? I especially like the French element with the Eiffel Tower cushion and matching ornament beside the bed itself.

The key to creating a space worth Pinning is to edit, edit, edit. If you have book shelves, then organise them, and perhaps style them with treasures you’ve found on holiday or things close to your heart. Some of the best book shelves I’ve seen as the ones which are simply colour co-ordinated, with the odd trinket here and there. Clean mess away, hang clothes up and find storage for shoes and the masses of coats on the back of your door.

Your bedside table also creates the perfect opportunity to place stylish additions, as spotted above with the use of oversized letters, this fab Eiffel Tower (I want!) and some stylishly stacked books – all within the same colour scheme as the bedroom soft furnishings. Spring provides the perfect time to update your room and introduce some vibrancy.

Spring also offers the perfect time to have a really deep spring clean (I’m starting mine tonight), which means not only polishing surfaces but cleaning windows until they sparkle, wiping down the skirting boards and vacuuming under the bed. There’s no better feeling than climbing into fresh sheets in a nice dust-free room.

Finally, if you're looking for a change then why not rearrange your furniture? Just by moving the bed to another wall could create enough space to place an occasion chair, such as this 60s inspired orange one used above. Below I've picked out some pieces to add colour to your room, from your bedside table through to making your bed as inviting as possible.


1. Rainbow Throw £165.00 2. Eiffel Flower Cushion £24.00 3. Wooden Letters £13.95 4. Charles Eames DAR Chair £69.00 5. Cat Flower Cushion £34.00 6. Jonas Copper Lamp £38.00

*This is a PR collaboration but as always my views are completely my own.


1 comment

  1. My room will never be tidy enough to be Pinterest worthy but I have taken some ideas off there for it. I love that throw!


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