6 April 2015


Wait, a fashion post? I know, I can't believe it either, but my latest find is just too good not to show you plus I thought it might be nice to have something a lil' different to interiors today (said as she cancels her ELLE subscription and orders Style Your Home instead)

For a girl who rarely wears heels, when I finally have to succumb to the dress code and pop on something higher than one centimetre, my feet really feel "the burn". I admire girls who can strut around in heels all day, every day, but I resemble a baby giraffe. On ice. Wear shoes made of ice. Especially towards the end of the night when it hurts to even put the ball of my foot gently on the ground. That's where British brand Butterfly Twists comes in. 

Designed to be folded to fit perfectly in your handbag, these ballet pumps were exactly the sort of thing I've been looking for. I've actually seen these kind of pumps before, and I had some free ones I got from a goodie bag one time, but they were so thin, I needn't have bothered putting any shoes on. 

I'd heard Butterfly Twists were different though. A massive fan of faux pony skin and Dalmatian print, I decided to go with the Gabriella in tan - a style which would potentially go with lots in my current wardrobe. I'm a fan of cost per wear and these beauties would be out a lot - therefore basically costing me very little (my favourite kind of maths). 

Are you ballet pumps kinda girl like me or do you prefer to tower above in heels? Shirley's more of a flats kind of cat as you can see below from her photo bombing my lil' shoot this morning.


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