29 March 2015


With the weekend nearly over, I thought I better get my shapely rear in gear and write this blog post which I've had drafted in since Friday. Life completely got in the way and instead of working like I should have been, I've been drinking wine. Lots of it. So much so that today, a day which I had pencilled in to tying loose ends together behind the scenes of Apartment Number 4, has in fact been spent in the land of the zzzzz's.

Anyway, Friday was a great day as myself and my friend Hollie made our way to York Racecourse in my little Crouton for the first day of LIVE Spring Fair - an event designed by premium regional glossy Living North. I actually spotted this event on Facebook after a brand I follow, Maison Royale, were showing there.

Basically, the show brings together over 200 exhibitors in interiors, garden, food and drink under one roof - and let me tell you, the sign of a good event is the fact that as soon as you walk in, the purse is out getting lighter by the second. 

There were so many gorgeous brands there, including Harrogate based label Sofas & Stuff, who presented this aaa-mazing pink velvet sofa above, Hearts Interiors, who had some beautiful wooden and white porcelain kitchenware, Rebel Roses who create the most gorgeous faux flower arrangements, Heather Alstead Design, who I bought to cutest print off for my impending niece or nephew's nursery which had a black and white print of three polar bears on it - simple but gorgeous, and finally Maison Royale, which was actually the reason I went in the first place. 

Run by the gorgeous Angela, Maison Royale is one of those brands which has all those things you never really needed but now soooo totally do. I bought a beautiful Victorian-inspired soap dish to go in my bathroom, which you can see on my Instagram here, but there were so many bits I wanted to get for my living room including the wooden boxes I snapped below, I'm going to have to go back when I get paid.

We left, hands full of bags and definitely looking forward to next one coming to town. Now, the rest of my Sunday will be spent eating Mini Eggs and reading Living North's interior special in the bath. Now, that's a picture to imagine if ever I've heard of one.


1 comment

  1. Thank you for your lovely comments about my business Victoria - so glad you popped by, it was lovely to meet you, Angela xx


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