28 December 2014


It's Sunday so of course I decided to get my craft on and whip up a little DIY. I saw this idea on Pinterest ages ago, and although it's more of a festive decoration, I thought it would be a great addition to your dinner table if you're hosting on New Year's Eve. 

It's super easy, as all my DIY's are, so just get some oversized  hexagon nuts - I actually got these from my brother-in-law who is an engineer, but you can also head down to your local DIY shop and see what they have on offer. Then grab some copper spray paint (the stuff I used is absolutely fantastic, £6.99 from B&Q for a huge can), give it a good shake and spray outside. Once dried, it's as simple as popping the candles in, giving them a good twist and if they seem a little wobbly like mine did, just grab a knife and shave the bottom slightly to make it a flatter surface.

It really is that simple. God help me though, this copper paint is making me want to spray everything in sight now.



  1. This is so pretty would never have thought to do this!


    1. Thank you for the comment lovely! I'm all about easy DIY's which don't take long ;-) this tops it! xx

  2. Who would of thought going to B&Q would be so fun?! They look great, thanks for the Tutorial Victoria :)

    Hanh x | hanhabelle

  3. I've got some candles lying around but no holders to put them in. Looks like this will be my next project!

  4. This is such an incredible idea, Victoria. Can't believe how simple and beautiful it is. Definitely a project for this weekend.


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