25 September 2014


The newly married Lauren Conrad, or should I say Mrs Tell, invited Instyle into her home this month and what an amazing home it is. The Hill's star certainly has impeccable taste, which runs right through from her clothing choices - did you see that wedding dress - to her super-stylish Californian home.
Let's start with the desk above, complete with gold typewriter (which is also in her offices for Papercrown, unless she just borrowed it as a prop) and perfectly styled coffee table. Did you spot the W&L on the desk? I love the regency style chair, and although I've been looking for a clear ghost chair for my bedroom, I might consider looking for one like this and doing it up.

Even though every room has a clear, distinct style, I like how it all kind of ties in, with matching chairs, or art deco detailing. Black, cream and gold are always going to look chic and Lauren's living room colour palette is no different.

Now this is what I call a bathroom. I really want a mirror like this for my bedroom and I've been looking on eBay for one but they cost about £160 - too much for someone who doesn't even have a mattress in her spare room right now. I do love the directors chair and peonies in this room, making it feel almost hotel like.

Exposed brick is always going to make me swoon and this living area is just amazing. Lauren just has the right eye for putting things together. I mean, check out the chandelier in her closet. This is the sort of thing I need in my house right now.

And finally, we get to weirdly my favourite room of the whole house. The kitchen. I think those white tiles, with white cabinets and shelving are just perfect and it makes it look so light and airy. How cute is the vintage 'fresh orange' juice sign by the sink? I think my LC crush has just gone into overdrive.

Images courtesy of Instyle.com
What do you think of the Lauren's house? Make sure you check out the October issue of Instyle and you can see the whole feature online by clicking here.

1 comment

  1. Ahhh wow, that walk in wardrobe and make up station... I have no words! The whole place rocks!

    Scrimping to Splash


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