1 April 2017


Pretty desk with two creative people working at it

If you're a regular reader of Apartment Number 4 then you might notice I have periods of time where I'm basically a bona fide Blogging Queen. I'm posting features here, there and everywhere. I'm on Twitter chatting away, Instagramming like crazy and just generally owning my sh!t.

Then there are weeks like this.

Weeks where I feel like my blogging mojo and creativity have booked a holiday and sailed off without me. This happens sporadically throughout the year and it's often when I get caught in the comparison trap, feeling like my space isn't as good as I want it to be, or that my photography skills are rubbish.

When I lose sight of what I've achieved and what I want from Apartment Number 4 in the long run, I have a few tips I follow to pull myself from the brink of deleting my blog and to get my brain buzzing with content ideas.

One of those tips is to push myself out of my comfort zone in someway. I'm currently reading The Million Dollar Blog, which is a-mazing, and I'm also listening to an Audible book on the way to work from Carrie Green, founder of the Female Entrepreneur Association, called She Means Business.

Both have helped me to get somewhat excited about blogging again. One idea I read about was setting myself the challenge of blogging every day for one month and in an instant I decided April would be that month. That's 30 posts. Over the last couple of days I've been really pushing myself to brainstorm for content ideas and you know what? Despite me thinking my brain had completely dried up, there were actually a few potential features knocking around in there.

In the spirit of my new challenge I tried to think of a word combination like Vlogmas or Vlogtember but all I managed to come up with was Blogpril and that just sounds weird. But regardless of my rubbish #hashtag idea, I'm hoping this challenge will help me get my motivation back - and as the saying goes, creativity breads creativity.

I've always admired people who blog daily. I know it's going to take some organisation and working as much as I can on a weekend. I also know it's not really the done thing anymore, especially as we read so many advice posts about quality rather than quantity but in all honesty, I'm just interested in pushing myself and completing the 30 days, without missing a day or, more importantly, putting out a rubbish read just for the sake of filling a space. You know this girl doesn't do things by halves.

I'm guilty of breaking the rule of "we should never talk about reader figures" here, but another reason I'm pushing myself with 30 posts simultaneously is because I want to see if daily blogging helps increase my audience.

Of course I do. Every blogger, no matter what they say, wants to grow their following.

I blog for me, but I also blog for other people to read, relate to and be inspired by my words, so if the amount of people I can do that for increases, the long days and prayers for sunny weekends, perfect for photography, will all be worth it.

Welcome to the first post of many. Make sure you pop back daily to see what's happening over here at Apartment Number 4 and a great Saturday guys.



  1. I have no doubt that you'll be able to smash this. As you say, you are not a lady to do anything by halves and I'm sure your content will be fantastic!
    I have yet to read this book (currently ploughing through all the Amazon Unlimited FREE ones on my Kindle first!) as have heard good things.
    I would never be able to blog daily, even for just 30 days. It would be too much pressure with a family and job. I always salute those that do do it! - I'd also worry that even if I did gain followers and views for that month, that, when I went back to my normal schedule that I'd loose people again?
    Here's to a fab month for you lovely!


    1. I do worry about keeping it up but it's all about planning for me and juggling it around my daytime job - I think I might be getting up a little earlier each day :) I'm not sure you'd lose so many people doll, it's about attracting new people and hopefully if they like your content they'll stick around! That's the hope anyway :) xxx

  2. Happy April Victoria!!!

    I love this challenge and would be looking forward to your daily posts. It is easily to fall into the whole comparison game and you sureinspired me to upgrade my blogging game this month.

    xoxo Violet, your Shoegal Out In The World


    1. Thank you Violeta! So happy you're looking forward to my posts :) I'm actually really excited about creating them! It's fab that you feel inspired to up your game too! I'll definitely be checking out your blog :) xxx


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